Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Great Regulars: "Among the most widely celebrated

findings was that 80 percent of young American Muslims said they opposed suicide bombing--even though the flip side, and the real story, was that a double-digit percentage supported it."

Bawer raises some pointed questions about Islam in his book. He objects to things like stoning adulteresses, hanging homosexuals, and the Quran's division of the world into Dar al-Islam (House of Submission--the part governed by sharia) and Dar al-Harb (House of War--which is all the rest of the world).

from Frank Wilson: Philadelphia Inquirer: A new book laments 'multiculturalism.'


Whenever I have looked as deeply into myself as I am capable of doing, I have invariably had the feeling that I was not alone. At the heart of my solitude there seemed to be some other present. It is the same presence I sense when I attend Mass or pray. Others are free to make of this what they will, even call it a delusion, but to me it has always seemed real--and it is an experience I have had from childhood on.

from Frank Wilson: When Falls the Coliseum: That's What He Said: Santayana and tragic grandeur


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