Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Great Regulars: Neither side is winning this fight,

though the greens are on the ropes. As they slug it out, the language grows ever more vicious and the claims of both sides ever more extreme. To the sceptics the greens are lying, cheating, catastrophe-crazed group thinkers; to the warmists, the sceptics are mad, bad, neo-fascist defenders of Big Oil.

from Bryan Appleyard: from The Sunday Times: Global Warming Now


The internet is free, open and neutral. Anybody can use it to go anywhere they like and it is neutral because there is no control over what information flows through its networks.

The internet is, therefore, unique among communication and information systems. Telephony is controlled and access to it is expensive, radio networks are heavily regulated and monopolised by a few players, cinema is the property of the big studios, books and newspapers are also the property of big players, and television is done by a tiny elite. But, out there on the net, you can do and say what you like.

History suggests this brief golden age will soon end.

from Bryan Appleyard: from The Sunday Times: The Master Switch


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