Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Great Regulars: In 1998, he won the prestigious Toronto's

Harbourfront Festival Prize for his contributions to Canadian letters and to emerging writers. Awarded the Milton Acorn People's Poetry Award for his book, Tearing Into A Summer Day, Gervais was featured in the 2004 film, Heart of a Poet, made by Maureen Judge for Bravo TV. Robert Hilles: "[Gervais] is a smart genuine poet we are all wiser for having read."

9by Marty Gervais]

The Angel at My Bedside

For Stéphane

from Judith Fitzgerald: The Globe and Mail: On Other Words: In celebration of planetary poetry month 2


This is poetry linked firmly to the invisible labouring of a raw faith, which has grown out of body and mind. The vision here is one aesthetically grounded in the world, a world that in turn is replenished by these poems, by [Emily McGiffin's] beautifully cadenced work.

After a Journey

from Judith Fitzgerald: The Globe and Mail: On Other Words: In celebration of planetary poetry month 3


Inviting comparison with Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), the Zen monk who revitalised haiku, [Leonard] Cohen elects to translate hai (amusement) and ku (sentence) literally--emphasising the associative while permitting differentiation without exclusion.

Here, too, he reveals a poetic aesthetic founded upon principles of Imagism: Common speech, precise language, arresting diction and compressed imagery combine with novel approaches to form and content to elucidate the drama of quotidian existence.

from Judith Fitzgerald: The Globe and Mail: On Other Words: In celebration of planetary poetry month 5


[Alexandra Wilder's] poetry is full of magic and myth and mysterious beauty. She had a very soft and musical voice; and, from what I've read, her readings cast an incantatory spell over the audience.

Dark Pines Under Water

from Judith Fitzgerald: The Globe and Mail: On Other Words: In celebration of planetary poetry month 6


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