Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Great Regulars: What I like seems to go through two phases--

an initial fondness which may go no further, but, if it does, I suddenly find myself utterly stricken. In neither phase am I capable of explaining my enthusiasm. I have just moved to phase two with Geoffrey Hill. It happened when I was killing time between events at the Oxford Literary Festival.

from Bryan Appleyard: Thought Experiments: Geoffrey Hill--the Shiver


Together we guide the rams into a holding pen, where we divide them up and then take them in a trailer to their allowed paddocks. It takes all day and, at the end of it all, I tell [Graham] Pickles, truthfully, that it's been the most relaxing day of my life. He grins.

He talks about being out on the quads with Bill Royal, manager of this land for 30 years and wearer of some of the biggest hats I have ever seen.

"Sometimes we just look at each other and ask, 'Is there any place you'd rather be?' The answer's no."

from Bryan Appleyard: The Sunday Times: From outback to beach in Australia


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