Tuesday, May 05, 2009

News at Eleven: Lin Zhao asked the same question--

in the time of Mao Zedong. I discovered Ms. Lin--an extraordinary individual by any reckoning--in my last months as a Monitor correspondent in Beijing. She was a prophetic voice, a thinker, a Vaclav Havel of China who believed deeply in the reality of what she called "truth."

She was executed in 1968 at the age of 36, probably by the order of Mao. She remains virtually unknown in her country.

Lin's main insight was that Mao, to put it mildly, was not serving the people. Her prison writings during the Cultural Revolution may constitute the most incisive critique of "Red China" extant; they remain forbidden, kept under lock and key at a Beijing archive.

from The Christian Science Monitor: Tiananmen Anniversary: Memory of executed poet resonates


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