Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Great Regulars: In any event, because salsa typically has so

much salt and is usually eaten with chips, which are high in fat and salt, I think that by eating so much of it, you are not satisfying your recommended servings of vegetables but rather indulging your not-so-recommended servings of "Other."

But what do I know? I am also a firm believer in the power of the mind, adhering to such nutritional concepts as "Birthday cake has no calories," and "Ice cream consumption is instantly negated on a hot summer's day, or after a bad day at work, or for a nursing mother whenever she gets 20 minutes of alone time."

[by John Ashbery]

"A Tone Poem"

from Kristen Hoggatt: The Smart Set: Ask a Poet: Tomato, Tomatoh


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