Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Poetic Obituaries: [Roger Francis Langley] also taught art history and

offered classes at home. His painting and drawing continued, joined increasingly by poetry, and enthusiasts persuaded him to publish in small-press editions. His Collected Poems, published by Carcanet in 2000, contained just 17 poems; it was shortlisted for the Whitbread prize that year.

In 1999 he retired with Barbara to an area of rural Suffolk which had become a place of respite and creativity for him--some nine of the 17 poems are set there. His output increased, and his 2007 Carcanet book, The Face of It, held 21 poems. A further dozen have appeared since. From 1970 he kept a journal, from which some poems were directly drawn.

from The Guardian: R.F. Langley obituary


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