Wednesday, May 18, 2011

News at Eleven: At some point Emily and Anne [Brontë]

stopped contributing to the Glass Town and Angria stories in order to create their own imaginary world of Gondal, probably as a rebellion against their older siblings who usually gave them inferior roles to play in the games. Unfortunately, the chronicles of this imaginary place written in prose were lost and only poems are now known. As with the Glass Town writings, these poems are concerned with love and war and explore various modes of identity. Emily Brontë's Gondal poems relate to characters in the stories, who came from either side of two warring factions.

Early biographers of Emily assumed that the events described in the poems related to her own life, but instead they were figments of her extremely active imagination, and, like Wuthering Heights, not directly written from personal experience.

from SFX: The Brontës' secret science fiction stories


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