Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Great Regulars: Simple answer, really: the books blog

is many wonderful things, but--and let's be brutally honest here--a blog it is not. In truth, it's a collection of columns and comment pieces--and for all that these are splendid columns and wonderfully incisive comment pieces, we've been thinking for a while that we're missing a trick by calling them a blog, since it means that the genuine blogging we've been doing on the Guardian books desk is getting lost among all the other stuff.

So as of today, we're going to rearrange the furniture.

from Sarah Crown: The Guardian: The books blog is dead: long live the books blog


And I agree, of course--the practical applications of the devices are undeniable (we're currently reading submissions for the Guardian's First Book Award on the desk; having done my shoulder in lugging books back and forth between home and office, I'd've given a great deal for an ebook reader to take the strain). But as to keeping your library--the books you've loved and gathered to you--on a Kindle, I think "bloodless" sums it up perfectly. Where's the heart in having a library on a tablet? Where's the warmth?

from Sarah Crown: The Guardian: Kindle-lovers are 'bloodless nerds', says Penelope Lively


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