Tuesday, July 05, 2011

News at Eleven: There are countries where elections have been rigged

or hijacked or where the results have been disputed or denied, but Burma is surely the only one where the results have been officially acknowledged in the state gazette, followed by nothing. Nothing was done to provide a real role for the winning party or elected representatives in spite of earlier promises by leaders of the Junta that the responsibility of the government would be handed over to the winners once the elections were over and the army would go back quietly to their barracks.

from BBC Radio 4 Programmes: The Reith Lectures, Securing Freedom: Aung San Suu Kyi: Dissent
from BBC: Radio 4: The Reith Lectures Transcripts 2011: Securing Freedom: Aung San Suu Kyi: Lecture Two: Dissent (pdf)


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