Tuesday, August 14, 2012

News at Eleven: But of course there were other influences

and affinities. [Louis] MacNeice was open to poets like Thomas Hardy and Robert Frost, as the poet Paul Muldoon notes in his essay. John Goodby writes about MacNeice's complicated relationship with Dylan Thomas, whom he admired as a true bard. The editors of "Incorrigibly Plural," Fran Brearton and Edna Longley, quote Larkin--the only Movement poet who paused to value MacNeice--saying that MacNeice's poetry "was the poetry of our everyday life, of shop-windows, traffic policemen, ice-cream soda, lawn-mowers, and an uneasy awareness of what the newsboys were shouting." Stephen Regan, in his essay on the two poets, observes that "Larkin, like MacNeice, becomes a town observer in his poems."

from The Wall Street Journal: Remembering The Poet's Poet


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