Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Great Regulars: Ascend the Heron Tower

By Wang Chih-huan
[Translated by Xiyu Huang]

from Frank Wilson: Books Inq.--The Epilogue: From the Chinese . . .


What to do? Well, what I did was put it out of my mind completely.

A couple of days later I was sitting in a luncheonette near the Philadelphia Inquirer that serves a very good cheesesteak. While I was waiting for mine I had a cup of coffee and, at the very first sip, had a Proustian moment: The coffee tasted exactly like the coffee that had been served decades before in a diner my grandmother and I used to stop into every morning.

from Frank Wilson: When Falls the Coliseum: That's What He Said: The impossibility of operating by dissociation


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