Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Great Regulars: During his [Dennis Brutus'] period in prison,

he wrote poem-letters to his wife which were later published as Letters to Martha (Heinemann, 1968). As he said concerning the letters

"During my imprisonment I was completely isolated. I could not see anybody, could not speak to anybody, the food was handed to me beneath the door--a dish of porridge three times a day. I sometimes thought I would get insane, and when I say this, I really mean it. In this desperation I started to be very particular about every minute of the day, that had to be filled with a useful activity. I started to write The Letters to Martha. I composed, checked, changed and rejected older poems. My poems were to me like a harbour of security in this complete abandonment by the world: at least this was a sure accomplishment, these poems had an existence, and all the rest was not in my power."

from René Wadlow: Media for Freedom: A Glow of Friendship does not fade


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