Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Great Regulars: Thirukkural (Tamil: )" also known as the Kural)

is a classic of couplets or Kurals (1330 rhyming Tamil couplets) or aphorisms celebrated not only by the Tamil people but all mankind. It was authored by the ancient Tamil Saint Thiruvalluvar, and is considered to be one of the first literary works to focus on ethics, in Shramana literature of India. However it begins with salutation to Adi Bhagwan. Thirukkural expounds various aspects of life and is one of the most important works in Tamil.

from V Sundaram: News Today: Baritone: Poetic English translation of Thirukkural--1


Dr. [M.] Rajaram's English verse translation of 1330 verses of Thirukkural is marked by great fidelity to the letter and spirit of the original. It can easily be proved that Thiruvalluvar and Shakespeare are intellectual companions of equal merit and mettle. This is the view of Thiruvachakamani K.M Balasubramaniam. Thiruvachakamani also translated Thirukkural into English verse. Let me give a few instances to illustrate this point of literaterary parity between Thiruvalluvar and Shakespeare.

from V Sundaram: News Today: Baritone: Poetic English translation of Thirukkural--II


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